Physical Education through Outdoor Adventure Games
Achieve the expected Learning Outcomes in PE by challenging Intellectual,
emotional and physical abilities of your students. They will experience
the thrill of finding their way with a map and a compass, while honing
inter-personal skills and developing self-confidence.
Workshops and outdoor educational activities (1 to 4
sessions) with hands-on experience and real Orienteering game.
Learning Outcomes:
Space & environmental awareness;
Team work combined with critical thinking, problem solving and leadership;
Wilderness safety and survival;
Map making and reading;
Identifying cardinal directions with and without a compass;
Self confidence in finding the right way and relocate if lost;
Identify and follow rules/directions, routines and procedures of safety;
Demonstrate etiquette and fair play.
Instructor: Jackie Slavenova has over twenty years of
international experience in orienteering instruction, competition and
facilitation, and has taught life-saving navigation skills to
thousands of students in the Lower Mainland for the last 11 years.
Where: The orienteering workshops, games and activities can be
conducted in the classroom, school yard, a local park or neighboring
Benefits for you and your students:
Premier's Sport Awards
FREE ENTRY to "Adventure
Challenge" - weekend events for families combining orienteering & other
physical and intellectual challenges. Two hours of exiting outdoor fun
game in different parks. Schedule available.
Let’s inspire
children to love and enjoy Nature with confidence!